Advisory Groups

Financial Services

Maximise the potential of the Metaverse through digitalised financial services.

The Financial Services Advisory Group is the perfect place to discuss all things finance as they relate to the Metaverse industry.

Advisors within the group have extensive experience and knowledge in Venture Capital, Exchanges & Wallets, Banking Infrastructure, Crowdfunding, Decentralized Finance, Digital Economies, and Insurance. They use this platform to explore trends happening in traditional finance that will impact Metaverse businesses and consumers. As well as sharing their own experiences of fundraising for or investing in a Metaverse company or project.

This group is essential reading for anyone involved in financial planning for a business with a presence in the Metaverse. Follow the group to ensure you are kept up-to-date on the latest developments and trends affecting digital economies. Alternatively apply to become an advisor if you have significant experience working within one of more of these financial sectors

Members from:

  • Venture Capital Firms
  • Exchanges
  • Wallets
  • Banking infrastructure
  • Crowdfunding
  • Decentralized Finance
  • Digital Economies
  • Insurance

Group Chairs

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This is a new Academy group. If you are an AIXR member you can apply for an advisor status programe. Alternatively create a free account in order track when this new groups advisors are selected. 

Group Followers


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Free accounts coming soon

Featured Resources

Metaverse Investment Guide + Investors List

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