Over 150 aggregated reports, whitepapers and research shared free for the XR Industry.
International – 12 September 2019
AIXR, the not-for-profit trade body for immersive industries, with the support of their VR and AR Steering panels, recently launched a free aggregated portal which contains over 150 resources from the web in the augmented and virtual reality space.
With a goal of educating and raising awareness of extended reality, resources have been catalogued, dated, tagged, and then made available on a new page on the AIXR website.
To the convenience of anyone working with white papers, research or reports, the portal contains material from a variety of industries such as healthcare, investment or development.
While some resources are shared with us for the intent of appearing on the portal, most resources on the portal will be available via traditional search engines. However, the users ability to search by date, industry, author, topic and title make it a considerable time saver over scouring the internet for relevant information.
The free XR resources portal is just one of many initiatives from the AIXR team to help foster growth within the XR industry. Daniel Colaianni, Chief Executive of AIXR, said “Information is made to be shared, by spotlighting and aggregating insightful content we can remove barriers for anyone looking to educate themselves while building a strong and bright future for the industry. That is at the heart of what AIXR does.”
As AIXR continues to support the development of the industry, they plan to continue adding resources to the portal as they become available. The portal is currently in Beta, but will have numerous features added in the coming months.
Press Assets
For any press and media enquiries, please contact:
Carter Gibson
[email protected]
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- Twitter: @AIXR
- Instagram: @AIXRorg
- Facebook: @AIXRorg
About AIXR
AIXR is an independent, community first, not-for-profit organisation that exists to support individuals and companies of all sizes as the International trade body for immersive technology industries. AIXR or, The Academy of International Extended Reality, hosts the VR Awards annually. AIXR’s mission is to support individuals and companies in the immersive industry by endorsing, inspiring, and enabling innovators through removing barriers to entry and connecting a diverse collection of trades together.