Students from across London have benefited from the world’s first student immersive skills and enterprise program, in what is being classed as the first roll out of an international vision dubbed “XR Generation”

International – 26 November

Many organisations within the immersive industry bubble are already well aware of how virtual & augmented reality (XR for short) will transform industry; how we watch, create, learn, and interact is on the cusp of revolution.

However reports suggest that a severe skills gap is one of the major hindrances for growth in this sector. By acting now the Academy of International Extended Reality (AIXR) is teaching young people the skills and career paths needed to ensure the world is ready for the unprecedented growth that will be seen in the next decade.



Daniel Colaianni, Chief Executive, AIXR mentioned, “The future of the XR industry will depend on agile and creative people who can meet the responsibilities immersive industries will bring. In collaboration with our partners, we want to help inspire students who will meet this demand.”

Working with the Mayor of London’s office and the Creative Industries Federation, AIXR’s student programs see participants meeting Gatsby Benchmark Criteria 6 (experiences of workplaces) and 7 (encounters with higher education), a framework of guidelines that define the best career provisions in schools and colleges. 

This unique partnership also ensures that the participants will be tracked for the next 5 years of their education and careers to understand the measurable impact interventions such as these have.

In addition to the collaborative syllabus provided by AIXR, the program also brings in people who know XR workplaces best. On the day, students heard from Sam Watts, the Director of Immersive Technologies at Make Real, the studio behind the VR Awards winning training simulator: Working at Height, a collaboration with Vodafone, which students had the opportunity to test and critique. 

Students also heard from Ana-Despina Tudor from UAL: London College of Communication, who talked about the higher education pathways into immersive that students previously were unaware of.

Overall the first roll out has been deemed as a huge success and was met with highly positive feedback from students and tutors alike. “Without having the opportunity to try the technology and the headsets, they are not going to see how it’s going to impact them and the careers available to them.” said Yvette Blundell from Kensington and Chelsea College.

AIXR are now in the process of expanding the program nationally to meet the demand across all regions, and reach as many schools as possible in its first year.

Press Assets

For any press and media enquiries, please contact:
Carter Gibson
[email protected]

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About AIXR

AIXR is an independent, community first, not-for-profit organisation that exists to support individuals and companies of all sizes as the International trade body for immersive technology industries. AIXR or, The Academy of International Extended Reality, hosts the VR Awards annually. AIXR’s mission is to support individuals and companies in the immersive industry by endorsing, inspiring, and enabling innovators through removing barriers to entry and connecting a diverse collection of trades together.