Job Profiles

XR Software Tester

Daniel Colaianni

31 Aug 2021 | 1 min read

What does an XR Software Tester do?

Software testers are responsible for testing the software written by software developers to ensure it is functioning correctly. Testing for XR software is different to testing for standard software, as it requires the tester to use the software in its intended environment, e.g. a VR headset.

Testers are also responsible for reporting bugs and testing the software’s performance on various systems and devices.

What’s an XR Software Tester good at?

Technical Ability: testers must be able to set up and configure the software they are testing and have a general understanding of the technology.

  • Communication: since you work with developers, you must be able to communicate clearly with them to ensure the software is functioning correctly
  • Attention to detail: the software being tested can be very complex, so it is important to pay extra attention when testing it.
  • Problem-solving: testers are asked to report bugs and ensure the software is working correctly, so they must be able to find problems and solve them.
  • Creativity: testers must be able to use the software in its intended environment, so creativity is key to coming up with new ways to test software.

Where can being an XR Software Tester take me?

Testing for XR software is expected to grow much faster than other similar careers, as the industry is still developing.

Since software testers are often also responsible for reporting bugs, they may be able to move into software development if they are able to demonstrate they are proficient in the field.

How do I become an XR Software Tester?

A degree is can help you to become a software tester, in one of the following areas:

  • Computer Science
  • Information Technology
  • Software Development
  • Software Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • VR/AR/Immersive tech specific degrees

This is not a complete list, but even if your degree is not necessarily directly related – there are trainee graduate schemes, where, if you show enough enthusiasm for the field you can learn on the job.

It is a good idea whenever approaching any employer to have a backlog of projects, sometimes called a portfolio that demonstrates your ability to develop and give employers an understanding of your expertise and areas you have already worked on.