Advisory Groups

Hardware & Infrastructure

Build better hardware to enable and grow the Metaverse.

The Hardware & Infrastructure Advisory Group focuses on the hardware platforms that are integral to the Metaverse experience.

Advisors in the group have a wealth of experience in designing, developing and deploying hardware solutions for the Metaverse. From immersive headsets and haptic gloves, to 5G infrastructure and enterprise-grade servers.

Follow the group to learn about the latest hardware trends and developments within the Metaverse industry. Alternatively, apply to become an advisor if you have expertise in designing or deploying hardware solutions.

Members from:

  • Peripherals
  • Haptics
  • HMDs
  • Semiconductors
  • Telecommunications
  • Integrators & MDMs

Group Chairs

Akash Bellipaddy CEO  Unlocked Reality

Hardware & Infrastructure Group Co-Chair

Akash’s goals is to grow the Metaverse industry through user experience centered design and deliver value by pioneering new methodologies.

Greg Agriopoulos CEO, Magos Group

Hardware & Infrastructure Group Co-Chair

Greg has a unique blend of technical and business skills with over 12 years experience in enterpreneurship, financial, team management in high-tech ICT projects combined with electrical engineering background.

Group Followers


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